Monday, June 14, 2010

Son of Beast ~

The JitteryKnitter has started a new project for a lucky nephew. You may remember a previous project of hers that we lovingly called, "The Beast" that was made of...dare I say it... acrylic yarn.... well, she has another nephew starting graduate school, so she's decided to knit him a blanket out of all her scraps of "not so bad acrylic" and she's knitting it (wait for it) in the round....yup, double thickness, twice-as-many-stitches......on (take a breath) size 9 needles (not even 10s.....)

Of course I had to intervene, for the sanity of all of us... after getting the tangles out of most of the yarn, and checking out the few inches she has already knit, I realized what a BIG project this will be...

it is good that we have all summer....I'm thinking about a stripe theme....

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