I have an incredible sewing room that my husband built for me when we moved into this amazing home a few years ago. It has a long "L" shaped counter top with my sewing machines (and my oldest daughter's machine) "at the ready". It is an amazing place to sew. On the other side of my wonderful room is my yarn wall ~ my stash ~ my wonderful and delightful collection of yarn. On days when I don't have time to knit, or nights when I work late, I check out my yarn wall before going to bed. I touch some alpaca, move some colors around and whisper to myself (and the yarn?) that I'll be back soon for some real time together. It is a soothing place where I find comfort and inspiration. There are memories there of many yarn shops and shopping events, and few projects-to-be of the "What Was I Thinking" variety that have not (yet) been cast on. Who knows, there may come a time for those, or the yarn may get re-purposed into a new project. There are also some knitting cards from friends, "Friends don't let friends buy acrylic" and an autographed picture of the
Yarn Harlot from one of her book tours. Lots of good times to remember ~ and so much potential for what all this yarn can be in the future!
I was only able to knit a few rows today, so my post is a tribute to my stash. Then I'll give it one last look (and touch) tonight, and whisper that I'll be back soon for some real time together......