Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Google for more hats ~

Have you ever tried the Google Alerts for knitting? This is a great for learning about new patterns, yarn and techniques. I have a Google Alert for "knit hats" and "knit socks" and I'm thinking of adding "knit sweaters" just in case I'm missing some great patterns out there! Every day Google e-mails me all the Internet sitings of "knit hats" and blogs that include "knit hats" and its been a source for finding great blogs and patterns! Signing up for a Google Alert is easy to do, too, and easy to cancel. I had a Google Alert for "new yarn" and became overwhelmed with all the posts and sitings!!!!
Here is the latest Great Blog with great hats that I found from my Google Alerts! Check her out!

This is one of her hats ~ I LOVE the braided part and how it blends with the cables ~ and hand spun too - She is a great discovery!!!

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