Monday, February 16, 2009

Library Love ~

There are so many great knitting books in our library. At any given time, I have checked out at least 5 of them... (this week the number is closer to 12) some I check out each time I see it back on our neighborhood library shelf, knowing that this time I will take the time to ponder each & every pattern...other books I order "on hold" from other libraries and wait patiently for it to arrive to our neighborhood library..and then ~ POOF ~ the 3 weeks are up... and I have not given the patterns the attention they deserve. There is a time vacuum black hole experience with library books ~ when you are in the library, you know there will be plenty of time in the next 3 weeks to ponder each of the books thoughtfully and with purpose.....however as soon as you walk out of the library, the time suck of the black hole vacuum occurs, and the books are now over due....Could someone please explain this phenomenon? (thank you)

1 comment:

juliet... said...

You MUST take a closer look at Anna Zilboorg's hat book ~ it is incredible. Talk about inspiration! It will give you all sorts of ideas and get you knitting your own designs right away.