There is a lot of good news in Washington D.C. There is hope and optimism, and very friendly and helpful people. Since you have heard all the
obvious stories of
D.C., here are some observations that you may have missed:
1) everyone has a hand held electronic device that they are talking to or texting on, except those wee persons in baby strollers;
2) not many people in D.C. wear perfume ~ not that they smell bad, but very rarely did I smell perfume;
3) the magnolia trees and cherry trees were amazingly beautiful ~ there are so many and the site of all the blooms are stunning;
4) there are runners everywhere, and they are good runners, not just the jogging variety, really good runners;
5) fashion ranges widely, and included lots of scarves ~ I thought everyone would wear comfortable shoes, but there were many sightings of spikey heels dashing up the mall...(I couldn't fathom this);
6) the President & First Lady made us proud in their European visit....
...and now the bad news....
1) knitting needles are not allowed in the Capitol building ~ they are listed with guns and sharp objects... good that I did not take my knitting out of our hotel room...
2) there were no yarn shops that we could find along the Metro line. A Google search said that the nearest yarn store was over 10 miles away... how could the home of the government of the free world not include a yarn store? I had such fantasies of vacation purchases.... Bad, bad news....