Have you ever seen pictures that you know just
couldn't be as cute as they appear? Well, this mother of twins and also a 4 year old has an amazing talent of making everything she photographs cuter than it could possibly be. I first met Kara through this picture of her twins, and her description below (and I knew she was amazing)....
finds her twins on the dining room table, they had taken apart the bouquet and one is dipping a flower and using it to shower the other. Her head is soaked. Both are giggling hysterically. Me, being the disciplinarian grabs the camera.
Here are the hats on one of the sweetie twins...
The JitteryKnitter knit hats for the twins and they are oh-so-cute, especially on sweet twin's head!
These are all such great pics of them... amazing and such fun!!!
Bravo to all!!!!!
Thanks for featuring my girls on your blog, I'm so honored!
You do amazing work. I'm so jealous of people who actually finish their knitting projects.
Keep those adorable pics coming! L OVE THE KNITTED hat.
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