Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween ~

We had a spontaneous pumpkin carving event in our garage... with very scary results.This event took about a half hour to plan and get some of our neighborhood kids over.We took this 45 pound pumpkin from our own pumpkin patch, and set up the kids and pumpkins in our took the other, smaller pumpkins out of our pumpkin patch...and fired up the power tools.....After three large pizzas, the results were wonderful!The kids had a blast, carved with little saws and power tools and danced around to Pandora's Halloween soundrtack - what a blast we had!!!Bonus, there was a visit by our very own Super Chicken!


kathy b said...

WOwo that's a huge pumpkin you grew.. .MIne were never near that big. Did you use Cow manure or somesuch thing???

Glad you had a great happy Halloween. I got a tad bit of sock knitting in after the neighborhood walk and talk with everyone

me said...

There is a lot of "vintage" chicken manure from our flock in that garden - so the pumpkins were loving it! Such a funny part of our neighborhood that our neighbor gave us 12 plants in the spring that he couldn't fit in his garden, so we adopted them!!!