Wow, another year of knitting has gone by and so many delightful projects have been finished ~ thirty four projects, to be exact! So much wonderful yarn has been befriended and loved, and turned into lovely finished objects. Other yarns are patiently waiting to be knit into some treasure of knitted goodness. It has been a great year for knitting ~ a reason to celebrate!

I've made great progress on the 2009 knitting resolutions, only leaving one 2008 item on the needles...I will revisit the Bonnie Ribbon tank top in 2010, as well as the powder blue summer top that needs some help with the sleeves...but let's not talk about what didn't get done......

The Central Park Hoodie was a big milestone, as I'd worked on that for over a was Mum's blanket which I thought about, cast on and cast off in just over a month... how different projects can be! Lots of great fair isle hats, some for family and friends, some for our church bazaar charity. Thirty four finished projects ~ not bad at all!!! Plus I've posted on this blog almost every day, only missing a few days last January....

The best part of my knitting this year was the Sock Summit experience with my friends. A delightful time in a yarn and knitting paradise with long time friends and those we just met yet felt we'd known forever.... Happy New Year to you all, and the best of knitting in 2010!