Saturday, June 25, 2011

Plying Success ~

Oddly enough, I thought of my plying success when I was into my big superfine merino tangle while plying this weekend. My plying bits were still hanging after being washed a month ago, so here they are....can you see any improvement in my spinning and plying?Here is the first lovely green fiber of which I finished spinning and plying 4 ounces, my blue faced leicester, given to me my JitteryKnitter (aka The Enabler). This was a dream to spin, and I learned a lot and improved a lot during this spinning and plying.Here is the 100% tussah silk, given to me for Christmas by sweet Marion. The reds and pinks are so saturated in this fiber ~ just amazing and lovely! Silk was fun to spin, and oh-so-soft running through my fingers. I'm exciting to spin the rest of this amazing fiber.Here is the 50% merino 50% tencel blend which I found as a sample from Serial Knitters, my favorite yarn shop. It is more lavender than this picture shows. I loved spinning it and next time I was at their shop I bought the remaining two samples of this blend! I can see some improvement in my spinning and plying!!! Plus I am enjoying this, too!

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