Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yarn at work ~

A knitting fantasy of mine is to be able to knit at work. Actually, to be encouraged to knit at work, perhaps even paid to knit at work....this would be great. I'm not saying that I want to knit for a living - no, not that.... but to be paid to knit, to have those 10 hour days full of yarn & knitting, and then come home....well, waking up to my real world, I do not get to knit at work. So, I have done what others in my fantasy world have done. I made a great screen saver on my computer made up of fun yarn & knitting pictures that I found on the Knit Picks website. Then I can see the beautiful images scrolling through and I can dream of knitting while I'm on the phone, or thinking of that next work related inspiration. They are really great little "knitting breaks" in the midst of my work day!

This ice cream picture is my favorite ~ which is your favorite?

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