Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fear of finishing ~

Remember this beautiful project? I cast on 4th of July week in 2008, with the genius idea of having the sleeves done during the summer, and then only having the front & back to finish during the fall & winter of 2008. Remember hearing that everyone has knit the Central Park Hoodie? There are hundreds of finished Hoodies on Ravelry ~ actually, I'm afraid to check, as I'll really feel like a looser, what if there are more than hundreds? How come I can't seem to finish...

I have a fear of is so beautiful now, with the yarn so soft and the color is so warm and lovely, and the cables so perfect...and what if I louse it up when I'm knitting the button band? What if I'm not patient enough to make it look as beautiful without all these knitting markers attached? It is much easier to finish a hat or scarf...not much to louse up..although I've done my share of messing up hats & scarves, but the commitment level is sooo different.. So I'm back to knitting the hood today....(and perhaps forever.....)

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