Saturday, April 7, 2012

Socks in the Sun ~

Saturday was such a lovely day - full of sunshine and blue sky and all of us in the northwest were gawking at the sky as if we had never seen blue sky.  Spring in the northwest is like that....The best of all things added to this blue sky is track practice! So there I am, sitting in the sun and knitting on socks while my 13 year old is running hills for track practice. How lucky am I?
Very lucky, indeed.  In fact, I was feeling so great about the sunshine and blue sky, and finally being able to knit this week... that I decided to live on the edge and NOT knit those squares while in the sunshine, and just knit on these sweet socks for my 16 year old....
so I did... and felt deliciously naughty for not knitting those squares, and knitting for family..... that really isn't a bad thing, is it????

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