Just when you think it is safe to go into Fellowship Hall after church...Since the mystery afghan organizer is out of town this weekend, she asked me to collect all the squares from the knitters this Sunday and next Sunday, as they are due next Sunday so we can start putting them together....Many of the knitters met me in Fellowship Hall with their bags of happily knit squares in a variety of colors, just waiting to be put together in a puzzle that will be a lovely picture when completed.
One sweet knitter approached me with her bag saying, "Here are my squares, except they are not knit yet." I said, "Ummmm, not knit at all?" and she nodded yes.... She said she knew that she could not knit them by next Sunday so she wanted to give them back so we could knit them....I said of course, I would knit them... and began to wonder how many squares equaled "them" as she was saying "them" and not "this square is not knit" so there was more-than-one left for me to knit....*heavy sigh* I could not bring myself to count them until I was home, and feeling very thankful and blessed to be able to knit for charity, and knowing that this was really a good thing to get to knit more...right? So I took a deep and thankful breath, and counted them... Well, there are six-more-squares to knit.....Yea, though I knit through the Valley of the Shadow of the Squares, I fear not.....
Litter-Al Hilarity
1 day ago
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